For the second consecutive year HF is in the ranking


Leader of Growth 2024 is the list of the 500 Italian companies self-nominated that achieved the greatest growth in revenue between 2019 and 2022.

The ranking, based on the annual growth rate average over the three-year period (CAGR), was discussed and examined by Statista and Il Sole 24 Ore.

For the second consecutive year, HF is in the prestigious “Leader of Growth” ranking, confirming the constant growth in revenue that has occurred in recent years.
Created by Il Sole 24 Ore and Statista, world leader in statistical analysis and market research, the initiative is now in its sixth year and as tradition does not include large businesses, but small companies capable of competing at a European level.

To be eligible for self-nomination, companies had to meet the following criteria:

Methodology Leader of Growth
Leader if Growth 2024 is the list of the 500 Italian companies that achieved the highest revenue growth in the three-year period between 2019 and 2022. Both private and publicly traded companies were taken into consideration. The competition was held for the sixth consecutive year in collaboration between Il Sole 24 Ore and Statista.

Requirements for inclusion in the list
To be included in the ranking of Italian companies with the highest revenue growth, the company had to meet the following criteria:

  • Revenue of at least €100.000 nel 2019
  • Revenue of at least €1,5 million in 2022
  • Company must be independent (no subsidiaries or affiliates)
  • Company must have its registered office in Italy
  • The growth in revenue in the three-year period 2019-2022 must be predominantly organic, therefore internal
  • The company is not in any of the conditions referred to in art. 80 of the Legislative Decree 50/201

Growth rate calculation
The calculation of the company growth rate was based on the revenue data communicated and confirmed by the candidate companies.
The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) was calculated as follows:((revenue 2022)/(revenue 2019))^(1/3)-1=Compound annual growth rate (CAGR)

Preparation of the list
Before the registration phase, Statista created a rich list of potentially relevant companies. Sources for identifying companies were: paid databases, public lists and rankings with a focus on company growth as well as public business registers, applications relating to the previous edition. Thanks to these sources it was possible to filter from the entire national business system, approximately 9000 companies belonging to different business sectors, with a high revenue growth rate in the last three years.

Evaluation and quality control
All data reported by the candidate companies was processed and checked by Statista. Missing data (number of employees, address, etc.) were searched in detail. Companies that do not meet inclusion or quality criteria have been omitted from the ranking. The minimum annual growth rate considered for the ranking is 22.99%.

Source: Il Sole 24 Ore
Leader della crescita 2024 | Statista – Il Sole 24Ore